Thursday, October 8, 2009


Cloudy skies!
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Oh Where have I been?

While I was searching the web for an interesting blog to read, I came across my own. How sad is that?! I guess you can say that we have been very busy lately. Luckily this is the last week of Carter's baseball season, but then on to tournament. Usually during the Fall season, the tournaments are single elimination, however this season we have had so much rain! I guess a few parents have called to complain about all the game cancellations, that they changed the tournament to double elimination. Let me be the 1st to say...I was not one to complain! So Carter has a ballgame tonight and daddy will not be there because he has Fall Festival. Secretly, I am doing a rain dance!

Tomorrow I am off with the boys. Can't wait to eat my yummy oatmeal and drink my coffee while still wearing my pj's. Going to try to squeeze in a workout and clean up the house, then hitting the road to Mobile for the weekend. Going to watch plenty of football with plenty of family.

Have a great day, will post more!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


If you wanted to know what I had for lunch all you would have to do is look at yesterday. Unfortunately, it will probably be like that for the remainder of the week. It was delicious and filling and that is what counts. I went to Target to get some more napkins and plates for Carter's school Easter "Snack" and they had board games on sale for $5 and some great DVD's. You can never start Christmas shopping to early! Deron will be late getting home tonight, but luckily from cooking all day Sunday, dinner is already done. All I have to do is pop it in the microwave and warm it up. I have chosen chicken enchiladas for tonight's special. I honestly don't care what anyone has, just as long as it is all cleared out by Thursday night. And of course today being Tuesday...Biggest Loser Night, I will be doing the elliptical trainer along with some lunges, push-ups and sit-ups. Have a great night!

Cold night for baseball!

It was freezing last night and we lost. Luckily I remembered that I had a blanket in the back of my car, so Cooper and I bundled up in that. It was a madhouse when we got home, I was throwing kids in the bath and trying to fix dinner. We ate ham sandwiches, from the Saturday breakfast. I put mine with a whole wheat biscuit and some squash that was leftover from Sunday night. Very filling. Then my wonderful neighbor from down the street, Beth, brought us some homemade Peanut Butter Cookies. They were very small, but I had 3. They were so good and still warm. The recipe is so simple, 1 cup of peanut butter, 1 cup of sugar and 1 egg. No flour or oil. So they can't be that bad for you! You could add chocolate chips to them too. For breakfast this morning was my usual bowl of steel cut oats with a half banana, some raisins and a spoonful of pb. And let's no forget the 3 cups of coffee, what would I do without it?!

2 more days to go and it is semi-vacation!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Pics and good news

I have pictures! I had to run to Target today for lunch to get some last minute Easter basket fillers and decided that I wanted a little crunch with my sandwich today. I grabbed a bag of Popchips, only 120 calories in 19 pieces and 4 grams of fat. Pretty good! I also had a turkey and cheese sandwich on an Arnold Sandwich Thin with a tomato and some cucumber slices. On the side I had some carrot sticks and some yogurt topped with Fiber one cereal. Today's snack (which will be shortly) will be a Kashi granola bar and a huge apple. I really like these new granola bars, this one is Raspberry Chocolate and is good when you have a sweet tooth as big as mine. Sometimes chewing gum just can't cure it.

I got some really good news today! We are suppose to be leaving town Friday after I get off of work to go down to the beach and visit with the in-laws, but I found out that Cooper's school is closed for Good Friday. So I asked off and it was granted! Yeah! So I have a four day weekend. We will come back early Monday, cause Carter has an early baseball game. But my to-do list has gotten pretty big for Friday since I found out that I will be off. But as least I will be able to squeeze some type of workout before we hit the road.

I am back and with a weekend review

Well I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I am back now. We had a busy weekend, and still managed to eat good, with a few setbacks. Friday night, we just ate leftovers because I had to rush off and get the boys haircuts. Saturday was the big day! We had baseball, the Blue Angels and Gymnastics. I was lucky enough to squeeze in a 7 mile run! I had gotten up early that morning and made some whole wheat biscuits, ham and scrambled eggs for breakfast. After my great run, I had a banana smoothie and a leftover biscuit with some peanut butter. It held me over till dinner, which was a mushroom, onion and swiss burger from Five Guys. Oh yeah, and fries. Oops and some TCBY later that night. But I truely believe that if you don't splurge, you will never be able to stick to a healthy lifestyle. And just so happens that my splurges occur during the weekend. Sunday we woke up and I made homemade pancakes! They were delicious! You make them with oatmeal. They filled me up till lunch, which was ham and cheese on a leftover biscuit from Saturday. Very filling. I decided not to go running, mostly because the weatherman said it was suppose to rain all day...WRONG! But I had a lot of stuff that I needed to get done. We are leaving Friday to go to the beach, so I needed to go ahead start packing. And that is just what I did. I got my suitcase packed, and both the boys. Got Easter baskets all tucked away. Carter has an early baseball game tonight, but we won't be home till at least 7, so I went ahead and made a bunch of dinner stuff so that I don't have to worry about cooking this week. But I still squeezed in a workout. Deron let me sneak off last night @ 7 to start working out and he put both boys down. I did 30 minutes on the Elliptical Trainer and then a 45 min. workout with Jillian. I love the No More Trouble Spots DVD. It was great. But my night didn't end there! Nope, it ended after I devoured some chocolate chips cookies! Made my workout even better. But it is Monday today and back to the usual diet. Last night before I went to bed, I set up the crockpot to make my Steel Cut Oats. So I had a nice warm bowl of delicious oats this morning. I added half a sliced banana (Cooper finished the rest of it), some raisins and spoonful of peanut butter. Very filling! and now I am sitting here at work and blogging while enjoying a nice cup coffee. I am trying out Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk in my coffee, and so far so good! I am sure it would be good in some oats too! Sorry for the long post. See ya for lunch!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Well I promise to start taking pics of whatever I eat, I left my camera attachment at home. So you will have to wait till tomorrow. Till then, you will just have to read about it. This morning for breakfast I had a wonderful bowl of Steel Cut Oats with a sliced banana and tablespoon of peanut butter, my absolute favorite. I don't have time to fix the oats in the morning, so I fix them in the crockpot overnight. I make enough to last me during the week. Love them! I also had two cups of coffee. One consisted of Vanilla soymilk and one splenda. Then I had to leave the office and decided to treat myself to a large Skinny Latte with one splenda. That has kept me full and now getting ready to eat my lunch. I made batch of tunafish salad on Sunday that included 1 tablespoon of lite mayo, spicy mustard, diced cucumber and purple onion. I have fallen love with Arnold's sandwich thins, they are so soft and doughy, not to mention only 100 calories for both slices. So I am having a tunafish sandwich, some carrot sticks, fresh strawberries and cantaloupe (love fresh fruit). I also have a Stoneyfield Greek Yogurt (honey flavor) with a little Fiber One cereal mixed in. Hopefully that will fill me up till my 3pmish snack. We will see!

Very 1st post!

Well I can't believe I am doing this. I have decided to start a blog to show how a mom of 2 can live a healthy lifestyle by showing what I eat, how I find time to workout, be a mom of 2 great boys and work a full time job. It can be done.

Well I guess I need to tell you a little about me. I live in Tuscaloosa, AL. (roll tide!) and married to a wonderful man, Deron (pronounced Darren) and have two great boys, Carter (5) and Cooper (2). I have always been average size, thankfully I have height on my side. But after I had Cooper, I was the largest I had ever been and miserable. My turning point was when I walked into The Limited to buy a pair of pants and the sales clerk told me that they didn't carry my size. I was between a 14 and 16 (closer to the 16) and weighed at around 160. I left the store humiliated and motivated! After that I started walking during my lunchbreaks and at night after dinner. I started watching what I cooked and ate as a family. Thankfully, I have a very supporting family and they never complained...even when I made those horrible black bean brownies! To make a very long story short, we made a complete overhaul on our lifestyle. I don't use the word "diet" because I will automatically cheat. I have gone from the size 16 to a size 4. I am smaller now than when I was in high school. My husband has also benefited from this lifestyle change as he went down 2 pant sizes. I use to hate running, never ran, it didn't even look fun, but now I can say that I run 7 miles on the weekends. I love it!

Anyway, I hope you find this blog interested!